Saturday, September 15, 2012

Assalamualaikum wr wb...

may all praises be to Allah SWT... alhamdulillah, i've managed to go through my first week as a second year's student with ease... in this first 10 days, students of UMP must be very busy re-scheduling their timetable, where add and drop of subjects will be conducted during this first 10 days.... uni students are no more like school students, where we are not allow to choose our teachers.... with this 'open registration' system, uni students are given the opportunity to 'choose' their lecturers along with the subjects that they want to take in their current semester.... great? 50:50 for me.... there will be the pros and cons.... 

i myself also busy rescheduling my own timetable.... doing some 'homework' with other friends, trying to find out who arethe best lecturers in some of the subjects that we are currently take in..... hmm.... during my way in doing all these things, there was one time where suddenly i realized.... 

"why are we so bothered with this? why can't we be like school students, where they have no worries in this 'choosing-picking who's gonna teach us'-thingy? i do remember and i do believe in every school there are teachers that are less favorited by the students, but still if those students have these kind of teachers as one of their teacher's subject, students have no rights to 'drop that subject and went straight to the other class, hoping they are 'saved' in the other class and for sure they will get A's in that particular subject'....hmmmm.... =("

this thought of mine, kinda tryin to tell me something.... something that i hate to admit, but it has the truth, and i know it....

"am i too scared to facing my subjects? i'm losing.... i'm getting too immersed with grades and comfortable position... tryin my best to avoid.... 'challenges'....."

this is no fun at all....... it left nothing..... me want, diamonds of memories, not sandy of memories....

even in games, cheat code is the best at first.... but after you win the game, you can have the joy just for a short time.... and plus, it is actually a 'fake joy'..... and you know it better ''why?''.....

so, i guess i've becoming a person who's...... asking too much....? yes... i am....


just be modest, please..... be normal..... special is unique, but normal is..... "something"..... =)
